
"Shhhhh!, here's drugs for quitting drugs."

The Ministry of Health and Welfare Free counseling for drug rehab: Dial# 129


This is the installation in Seoul subway platform to encourage free drug quit programs and counseling,
Counselor looks very confidential and secret to show the promise to keep anonymity of customers especially who don't want coming out or getting caught.

마약 중독자들에게 무료 치료상담을 권장하기 위해 서울지역내 주요 지하철 플랫폼 곳곳에 설치된 작품.
경찰에 체포되거나 신상이 알려지는것을 두려워하는 상담자의 익명성을 보장하기 위해
철저히 비밀을 보장한다는 문구와 함께 치료 /상담사의 포즈와 제스쳐를 매우 은밀하게 표현했음. 

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Message #2: Confidential deal
Meeting with counselor VS Negotiating drugs

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