Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 오후 2.59.36.png

"Please, contact right away if you don't have money to paint. "

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 오후 2.59.57.png

Executed with oil paint using brush in empty adverting space. Exit 2 at Hyehwa Station.
The paint bucket was lost -> Installed a new bucket fixed with nails -> Stolen again with the nails pulled out.

빈 광고판 / 후렉스 뒷면에 유성페인트로 붓질하여 제작.  혜화역 2번 출구 
뺑끼통은 나중에 어떤놈이 훔쳐감 => 못으로 박아서 다시 설치 =>  못채로 다시 뽑아감.





httpwww.ajunews.comkorview.jspnewsId=20130906000129.png        httpwww.vingle.netposts165509.png

위키트리.jpg      Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at 오후 4.45.01.png

httpbbs.miwit.combbsboard.phpbo_table=mw_board&wr_id=37843.png    httpkaede.egloos.com3972744.png
httpswww.facebook.comgolmokboraposts555727317822737.png     아주경제.jpg   

Someone stole the paint bucket.

뺑끼통은 어떤놈이 훔쳐감. 


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